Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Useful Information Regarding the AED

 Posted at the request of Mr. Rasmussen; apparently written by the resident in 913.  It's not an apology for a nasty email but it does contain useful information.
From: Poul David Rasmussen
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2015 5:45 PM
To: Owners of Unit 812
Subject: Re: The POR now has an AED on the 6th floor in the gym

There is no location that answers all of the concerns that can exist from putting this AED one place or another. I don't think that there is any quantifiable benefit that makes one better than the other. Here are the things to consider:

1. The current placement is in the fitness room, and arguably a place with increased risk which is why you see these in fitness centers around the world. 

2. The AED is in the center of the building in-between two elevators, and one stairwell, and all of the community space where we also see an increased risk due to elderly family attending events.

3. The concierge is not 24/7, nor are they at the front desk constantly when they are here. It is a hell of a long haul from me, in 913 to go to the extreme end of the building to get an AED when I can go to 6 in the center of the building and grab the machine. 

4. The AED is third in-line of what people should do. 1. Determine unresponsiveness and call 911, 2. start CPR, 3. if there is another person that person would get the AED. Guess what, in this City, if you call 911 for someone that is pulseless, the Dispatcher is going to keep you on the phone and give you pre-arrival CPR instruction and you won't be able to call anyone on the phone because you're going to be thumping on the person's chest the entire time. 

5. The Concierge will have to go to 6 and grab the AED, yes, but there are so many more factors to consider that putting it on 2 does not have more benefits than putting it on 6 due to the many scenarios that are also realistic. 

We trade problems by moving it. If we move it near an elevator or stairwell we loose any accountability of the device. The AED can be used anywhere and if anyone took it and re-purposed it at their business or gave it to their elderly parents we'd have no clue other than it being gone. We can at least have a record by using the FOB accountability. I've been a proponent of a camera in the workout and social room which may be another justification for one in the gym.

Boiling it down, the concierge isn't a guarantee, it's a long haul to have it by the mail box. There are access points that the AED is between (stairs and elevators). Once you call 911 you will be committed on the phone with prearrival instructions and we could never put something out that says call the concierge before calling 911. There is lot to consider including what someone can process when they find a loved one dead. There is no perfect place to have it. 

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