As has been pointed out to me, they obviously learned that a consent action, such as the new Legal Fee Rule, has to be signed by all three current directors in order to be valid. When I pointed this out in December--that the Transfer Fee Rule was not properly executed by the three directors then in office--the answer wasn't a simple "thanks, we will fix that right away." It was "so what are your motives in raising this question, you $%^hole?" Actually, as I said at the outset, my reason was to have the Board follow the clear legal rules in order to avoid future fights over the validity of a Board action which I supported.
If the Board has learned that it needs to read the Bylaws and Rules, and follow them, that would be an amazing accomplishment and my wife and I could rest easy living here because, to our knowledge, we are totally into following rules that make sense and are fairly applied. We are, however, not inclined to feel any trust whatsoever that this miracle might have taken place. We have very substantial undisclosed reasons for believing that two of three of our Residential Committee members cannot be trusted, period.
So what should we do? Here is my plan.
1. First of all, I know this blog is bad for the Condo Association and Unit Owners and property values. I also know that this blog is the reason we are still here. With almost three thousand page readers it seems clear that people outside this community are looking in. I will refresh the blog and take out the negativity concerning our experience with the Board President, Board, and Residential Committee if and when we receive a letter (or letters) signed by the three Residential Committee members and Robert Popp (individually or together) stating clearly and unequivocally the following:
I, ______________________________ , will not harass the Owners of Unit 812 at the Point on the River or participate in any harassment of them in any manner whatsoever. Harassment includes, without limitation, any
comments in condo wide communications or any other action by me that interferes with their
right to quiet enjoyment of their home at the Point.
2. I, _____________________________________________ , promise that any actions taken by me as a member of the Board of Directors of the Association or as a member of the Residential Committee against the Owners of Unit 812 will
be taken in strict compliance with the language and intent of the Association’s
Declaration, Bylaws, and Rules and Regulations.
What is so strange about this request is that it only asks
that we be treated as the law requires them to treat us. Nothing more.
Isn't it strange that we have to bargain for this from our elected
officers? That is what I want to repair in the actions steps, below.
2. Second, I am going to spend the next several months blogging about what our current governing documents require and how they should be adjusted to prevent forever the recurrence of the one man rule that is ruining life here for some us (at least two of us, but others have expressed similar concerns privately). .
3. At the same time I am going to try as hard as I can to cause the engaged readers of this blog to write collectively a platform of positions and values for a "reform" slate of three candidates to run on in the next election of Residential Committee candidates. I have tons of ideas arising out of the mess I have found myself in these last three months and I know others have great ideas as well.
4. Finally, I will, together with others who wish to join me, support and encourage persons who feel motivated to run for office but who have concerns about it. One of our main commitments will be to make sure that the next Residential Committee will be all new people who are committed to the platform we will have prepared.
I hope you will join in this effort to restore good government to the POR. Everyone's participation is needed and will be respected and appreciated.